
Bridge risk analysis

NCHRP 20-07(378) Report (2016)
Demonstration worksheets
Florida risk model (2013)

Infrastructure deterioration

National bridge model (2016)
NCHRP 713 Asset life expectancy (2012)
Florida bridge model (2011)

Geotechnical asset management

Alaska GAM Plan (2017)
Alaska GAM data and analysis (2017)
Montana rockfall management (2017)

Selected articles

AASHTO CoRe Elements
AASHTO BridgeWare
BMS Decision Support Survey 2006
Florida User Cost Model
Multi-Objective Optimization for BMS
National Bridge Maintenance Database
Nova Scotia TMIS
Ontario Bridge Management System
Québec Bridge Management System
Truck Weight and Bridge Costs

FHWA Management System Integration Committee

Final Report
Article describing main results
Poster Session